Today, our program director gave us an outline as to how our final oral project for the semester will work. We must give a 15 minute presentation in front of a board of our teachers and instructors. There is also an additional 5 minute question-and-answer time for the professors to test our comprehension skills. We are allowed to pick a topic or our choice, but it must be related to France and given entirely in French. Naturally, I am very nervous for this part of my study abroad experience, but luckily we will have plenty of time and help to prepare the "problematique" (or central question) for our presentation.
After class today we paid a visit to a French TV channel, ARTE. This was certainly at the list of most boring events in the history of mankind. After a long, delicious 5 course lunch at the school cafeteria, we were put into a conference room to listen to a network executive drone about Franco-German relationships and how this TV channel will fix them. As if the boring speaker wasn't bad enough, the room was not air conditioned, so it soon became a sweltering nightmare. Very few things in France are air conditioned, so I am starting to get used to it; but the experience is unpleasant nonetheless. It's supposed to rain for the next few days in Paris, but hopefully all days aren't as grey as today. I do have Amsterdam and then the French Riviera to look forward to soon! Also, I had a wonderful two boules (scoops) of coconut ice cream and 2 pints of 1664 (the French version of Bud Light) with my Louisiana friends tonight. It was nice to have a taste of home all the way here in France.
PS - I had McDonald's french fries last night at "McDo" as they call it, and they just weren't the same. You could tell they were cooked in some type of "healthier" oil, and I didn't get the taste of America I have so long craved here in Europe.
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